An essay that reveals the hidden history of the European Union, which from its origins was born as an anti-democratic work of the financial elites against the people of Europe. Through the analysis of the writings, thought and actions of Count Kalergi, considered the Father of Europe, you will be shown the role of Freemasonry, the United States and their European associates and bankers of Jewish origin, in the destruction of our continent. It is a destruction that invests its cultural cornerstones, its economy, up to the ethnic replacement of Europeans themselves, perpetrated for the use and consumption of the market and its rulers. Starting from the political context following the First World War, the author's gaze reaches the present day, critically observing an entire theory of cultural and political figures engaged in this genocidal task. Immersed in a reality of public debt, social cuts, economic colonization, zeroing of cultural identities - because such a mess is this Europe of the Euro - we can defend ourselves only by knowing its genesis.
Not only to history and philosophy buffs, but to all resilient people who care about the issue of national sovereignty and understanding the meaning of today's immigration and general relativization of existence.
Pagine: 188